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Extended Activity Period

Does your middle school student want to learn new arts and crafts, have help with homework, play board games, or dance through the decades? Extended activity period was designed to eliminate the time wasted when students are waiting for buses, but some of the offerings are so popular, students stay late just to take them! 

Any student interested in staying for an Extended Day program MUST make sure they have a teacher to stay with during 10th Activity Period. Any student who needs to stay for 10th Activity Period, MUST sign up for an Extended Day activity, during their lunch, if they are taking a late bus at 3:40 PM. There is no bus available at 3:00 PM.  All students must be with a staff member between 2:22 – 3:00 PM and 3:03 – 3:40 PM.  NO EXCEPTIONS; STUDENTS MUST BE SUPERVISED.

Check out this year's Extended Day offerings below. Please note that activities may be canceled or changed on the day they are scheduled. Students need to be sure to look for a sign-up sheet, sign up ahead of time during their lunch period and not assume an activity will be in session or is not filled.  

Monday Extended

Tuesday Extended

Wednesday Extended

Thursday Extended